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Strait-Flex® Introduction

Products > Interior Finishing > Strait-Flex® Introduction

Strait-Flex’s focus for over 20 years has been to identify construction problems and manufacture products which increase production rates, save labor and improve quality. This has led to product innovations such as X-Crack which eliminates ceiling cracks, stick cornerbeads that require no fasteners, durable patches that quickly correct miscut and damaged drywall, and Mud-Pro compound applicators that require no daily clean up.

When it comes to meeting wall and ceiling challenges and delivering peace of mind, ClarkDietrich leads by example. Today, we’re staying at the forefront by refocusing our resources to bring smarter solutions and to better serve our customers.

Strait-Flex, a brand already part of our company, will now officially bear our name. All the same trusted products will be available through ClarkDietrich, which offers an ever-expanding line of products for both framing and finishing.

Whether framing a building or bringing that final fit and finish to your interior walls, ClarkDietrich knows that details matter. That’s why we do a lot of the little things differently – like printing measurements and cut lines directly onto our beads and trims – because it gives you an advantage on the jobsite.


Black-Iron Patch
Sprinkler pipe patchPre-cut to fit standard sprinkler pipes.
Can-Patch (Commercial)
Can light patch (commercial) Pre-cut 6-1/4" hole fits standard commercial ceiling lights and can light receptacles.
Can-Patch (Residential)
Can light patch (residential) Pre-cut 6-1/4" hole fits standard residential ceiling lights and can light receptacles.
Corrugated Roof Deck patch Perforated PVC fiber composite material.
DS-45-SF Drywall Shim
DS-45-SF Drywall Shim Box
Drywall Shims
Used for floating butt-joints, framing irregularities, hanging door jambs and cabinetsShims save time by shimming drywall to allow greater inset at joints.
Extension Pole
Firberglass and aluminum poleExtension pole for painters, drywall contractors and moving companies.
hand-held tape folderSpeeds the folding of all flexible composite corner beads to correct installation angles.
sprinkler head patch, standard and flush stylePre-cut to fit standard sprinkler head safety caps.
Inside Rolling Tools
For use with all inside corner productsSpecifically designed to speed application time of inside corner applications.
Mud-Pro 2
compound applicatorMud-Pro2 is the fastest, cleanest, and most durable compound applicator on the market. Designed to apply precise amount of compound to inside and outside 90 corner beads, flex tapes, bullnose and chamfered corner…
electrical outlet patchOutlet-Patch repairs and reinforces mis-cuts or damaged areas around receptacle boxes.
Outside Rolling Tools
Speeds application time for outside corner productsSquares up cornerbeads on walls.
multi-purpose drywall patchPerma-Patch quickly repairs doorknob damage to drywall and is ideal for mis-cut or relocation of receptacles, ceiling and can lights.
Pipe Patch
copper pipe patchPipe-patch repairs and reinforces mis-cut drywall.
Pro-Flex 300 box only
Finishes inside 90° and off-angle cornersPro-Flex300 is a muddable, PVC-Free, flexible corner bead that adjusts to any angle to create perfect inside and outside 90° and off-angle corners.
continuous patch material Continuous roll patch width allows material to be cut to any length.
designed to cut time and tapeHeavy-duty, stainless steel, softgrip scissors.
Strait-Flex Wide-Flex
FINISHES INSIDE AND outside 90° AND OFF-ANGLE CORNERSStrait-Flex Wide-Flex is a mud-on, paper-faced composite corner bead that adjusts to any angle to create perfect inside and outside 90° and off-angle corners.
Strait-Flex® Ammo-Flex
Designed for bazooka® applications Loads into any Bazooka® for fast applications of intricate off-angles or inside 90º corners.
Strait-Flex® Arch-Flex
DESIGNED FOR COMPOUND ARCHES AND DOUBLE CURVE APPLICATIONS Arch-Flex is designed for compound arches and double curve applications, including arched windows and doors, ceilings, soffits, staircases, barrel vaults, groin cathedrals; even taping…
Strait-Flex® Arch-Stick
composite arched corner BEAD Designed for outside 90° arched corners, eliminating flat spots.
Strait-Flex® Big-Stick
Designed for high traffic, outside 90° corners The easiest corner bead on the market to install and repair. 
Strait-Flex® Crack-Tape
Repairs persistant cracks in corners and on flat surfaces Tested to be two times stronger than paper or mesh tapes.
Strait-Flex® Edge-Tape
Designed to replace tear-off beadEdge-Tape creates clean, straight edges, is twice as fast, and uses half the compound compared to tear-off bead.
Strait-Flex® Gold
High-Performance Drywall Corner BeadStrait-Flex Gold is a mud-on, paper-faced composite corner bead that adjusts to any angle to create perfect inside and outside 90° and off-angle corners.
Strait-Flex® IS-300
DESIGNED FOR INSIDE 90° CORNERS, WHERE LARGE FRAMING IRREGULARITIES NEED TO BE OVERCOMEIS-300 is designed for 90-degree inside corners where speed and strength are needed and/or where large framing irregularities need to be overcome. 
Strait-Flex® L-Bead
Designed to finish edges of drywall Ideal for window returns, sky lights and wall edges.
Strait-Flex® Medium
Finishes INSIDE 90° AND OFF-ANGLE CORNERS Strait-Flex Medium is a high-performance drywall corner bead.
Strait-Flex® Mid-Flex
FINISHES INSIDE AND OUTSIDE 90° AND OFF-ANGLE CORNERSStrait-Flex Mid-Flex is a muddable, paper-faced composite, flexible corner bead that adjusts to any angle to create perfect inside and outside 90° and off-angle corners.
Strait-Flex® Original
FINISHES INSIDE AND OUTSIDE 90° AND OFF-ANGLE CORNERSStrait-Flex Original is a versatile, multi-purpose drywall corner bead available in 100 ft. rolls.
Strait-Flex® OS-300
DESIGNED FOR SQUARE, LOW-FILL OUTSIDE 90° CORNERSDiamond-punched paper edging allows for easier feathering, faster drying, and high bonding strength, which assures even lay-down of the paper, providing maximum adhesion without rippling or blistering.
Strait-Flex® OS-400
DESIGNED for outside 90° corners where large voids and irregularities occurDiamond-punched paper edging allows for easier feathering, faster drying, and the highest bonding strength.
Strait-Flex® Perfect-90°™
Finishes inside 90° and off-angle corners Perfect-90º™ ensures a clean, sharp corner without the risk of damage from a taping knife.
Strait-Flex® Tile-Tape®
Designed for tile, marble and granite and water and mold resistant Produces straight, strong, and water-proof inside, outside and off-angle corners.
Strait-Flex® Tuff-Tape
Designed for strength and speed and as a paper tape replacement Used in areas where humidity causes paper tape to fail.
Strait-Flex® Uno-Bead 222
DESIGNED FOR replacing or repairing metal corner beadUno-Bead222 is Ideal for drywall, thin-coat plaster applications.
Strait-Flex® Wet-Flex
Designed AS A WATER-ACTIVATED OUTSIDE 90° AND OUTSIDE OFF-ANGLE CORNER BEAD ON A ROLL Water-activated adhesive on inside of roll.
Strait-Flex® Wet-Stick
composite water-activated adhesive Designed for outside 90° corners without the need of compound or fasteners.
Strait-Flex® X-Crack
Framing AlignmentEliminates ceiling cracks and straightens uneven framing.
Strait-Flex® Butt-Tape
Designed for fast, flat, butt-jointsVertical and horizontal butt-joints and commercial “Top-Out” applications.
drywall compound additiveA joint compound additive ensuring maximum bonding of tapes with drywall.
drywall patch Ultra-Patch quickly repairs damage to drywall.