Steel Framing Connectors: Rigid Connections

Universal Bypass Clips (UBC)
Provides either a rigid connection OR vertical building movement up to 3”.
Universal Bypass Clips are used to attach exterior curtain wall studs to the building structure and provide either a rigid connection or deflecting connection for…

Box Header Clip
Pre-punched Clip for box header Framing
The Box Header Clip (BHC) is designed to eliminate field cutting metal track into sections. The BHC clip is pre-punched to promote a quick and accurate installation. It is available in a…

Bridging Termination Clip (BTC3,BTC4,BTC6)
U-Channel Lateral Bracing Clip
The ClarkDietrich Bridging Termination clip is used to secure U-Channel or Cold Rolled Channel (CRC) to structural wall studs when used in load-bearing or curtain wall applications (loads for structural stud…

CC33 3/4" Channel Clip
33mil (20 Gauge) Lateral Bracing Clip used to secure 3/4" U-Channel to drywall studs
The ClarkDietrich CC33 clip is used to secure U-Channel or Cold Rolled Channel (CRC) to non-structural wall studs.

CD Holdown
ClarkDietrich holdowns provide cost-effective shearwall attachment and are used to transfer tension loads between floors or from structural members to the foundation.

ClarkDietrich Moment Clip (MC Series)
Moment connection for knee walls and shear walls to the structure foundation.
ClarkDietrich moment clips are high-performance, cost effective solutions for knee wall-to-foundation connections and shear wall-to-foundation connections.

Drift Headed Rail (DHR97) and Drift Clips (DRC)
ClarkDietrich Drift Headed Rail (DHR-97) and Drift Clip 97 mils or 68mils (12ga or 14ga) is a uniquely designed two-piece system that is used to attach curtain-…

Drift Rail (DR97) and Clip (DRC)
ClarkDietrich Drift Rail 97mil (12ga) and Clip 97 mil or 68mil (12ga or 14ga) is a uniquely designed two-piece system that is used to attach curtain-wall studs to the…

EasyClip™ A-Series™ End Clip
Used in knee wall connections or to reinforce jamb stud connections at the primary frame
EasyClip™ A-Series™ End Clips are most commonly used to reinforce connections in knee-wall applications or to reinforce jamb stud connections to the…

EasyClip™ D & T-Series™ Anchor Clips
Provide cost effective tie-down solutions for knee walls, shear walls and truss connections
The EasyClip™ D-Series™ & T-Series™ Anchor Clips are high-performance, cost effective solutions for knee wall-to-foundation connections, light…

EasyClip™ E-Series™ Support Clip
Feature a long leg to accommodate greater standoff for rigid connections.
EasyClip™ E-Series™ Support Clips are used for rigid stand-off connections.

EasyClip™ S-Series™ Support Clip
Are used to secure U-channel (cold-rolled channel) to framing members for lateral bridging and for miscellaneous rigid connections.
This high-performance, multi-use utility clip is ideal for corner reinforcements, stair openings, and…

EasyClip™ U-Series™ Clip Angles
used to Secure U-channel to wall studs for lateral bridging
EasyClip™ U-Series™ Clip Angles are used to secure U-channel to wall studs for lateral bridging or for miscellaneous rigid connections.

EasyClip™ X-Series™ Clip Angles
Used to secure U-channel to wall studs for lateral bridging
EasyClip™ X-Series™ Clip Angles have extra long legs (2" x 2") and are used to secure U-channel to wall studs for lateral bridging.

Extended SwiftClip™ LE-Series
USED In rigid attachments of wall studs to the structure
ClarkDietrich’s Extended SwiftClip™ LE-Series rigid framing clip is used to attach exterior wall studs to the structure of the building.

Extended Uni-Clip™ (UXRC)
14 Gauge Rigid Connection Clip
ClarkDietrich’s Extended Uni-Clip™ rigid framing clip is used to attach exterior wall studs to the structure of the building.

Extended Uni-Clip™ (UXRC6-HD) w/Anchor Holes
connects exterior studs to the primary structure of the building, while resisting horizontal and vertical loads
ClarkDietrich’s UXRC6-HD 68mils (14ga) rigid framing clip is used to attach exterior wall studs to the structure of the building.

FastBridge™ Clip (FB33, FB43 & FB68)
Used to secure u-channel to wall studs for lateral bracing
The ClarkDietrich FastBridge™ clip is used to secure U-Channel or Cold Rolled Channel (CRC) to structural or non-structural wall studs when used in load-bearing, curtain wall or…

Fixed Universal Slip Clip (FUS)
10 and 12 Gauge FIXED universal slip clip
Ideal for medium to larger standoff conditions.

Gusset Plates (G-Series & GP-Series)
Punched Or Unpunched Gusset Plates
Gusset plates for easier and faster attachments of X-Bracing or roof framing

HDSC Header Bracket
Header Clip for RedHeader PRO™ and HDS Framing Systems
The HDSC Header Bracket (HDSC) is the perfect complement to the RedHeader PRO™ and HDS® Framing system. This simple, yet innovative header bracket turns curtain-wall header…

Header Cripple Stud Clip
Eliminates the header track material and is a more economical alternative

Holdown Plate (HDP)
SECURE AND HOLD DOWN structural steel endposts between floors or TO THE FOUNDATION
ClarkDietrich HDP holdown plates provide cost-effective shearwall attachment and are used to transfer tension loads between floors or from structural members…

MEP Gusset Plate
ReSTORES structural integrity of steel framing with field modified openingsThe MEP Gusset Plate is designed to provide strength and stiffness to framing members that are modified or field cut at the job site with oversized cutouts on the web of the…

Pony Wall
Partial wall framing connection to floor
The ClarkDietrich Pony Wall is intended to support out-of-plane loading of cantilevered partial wall systems that are unsupported at the top track.

Spazzer® Bar Fly Clip (SFLY)
Eliminates the need for cutting and bending when using the Spazzer® 5400 Spacer Bar to facilitate rapid installation of exterior curtain wall framing
The Spazzer bar fly clip is a secure, fast and efficient way to finish a wall section…

Spazzer® Bar Guard™ (SPBG)
Used to secure the Spazzer bar when used in load-bearing applications
The Spazzer Bar Guard™ retainer clip is used to secure the Spazzer bar when used in load-bearing applications.

SwiftClip™ 150 x 150 LS-Series
SwiftClip™ 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" (LS-Series)
1-1/2" leg x 1-1/2" leg fixed/ridged connection clip. SwiftClip L-Series support clips are used in multiple construction projects, specifically in conjunction with structural studs and track. These…

SwiftClip™ 150 x 300 LE-Series
SwiftClip™ 1-1/2" x 3" (LE-Series)
1-1/2” leg x 3” leg fixed/rigid connection clip SwiftClip support clips are used in multiple construction projects, specifically in conjunction with structural studs and track. These labor time-savers…

SwiftClip™ 300 x 300 LA-Series Support Clip
SwiftClip™ 3" x 3" (LA-Series)
Pre-punched SwiftClips™ are used for multiple construction applications. 3" leg x 3" leg clips are commonly used for floor joist hangers and truss connections.

Uni-Clip™ End Clip (UCEC)
14 Gauge rigid connection clip
ClarkDietrich’s Uni-Clip™ framing clip is a universal framing clip used to attach and support numerous rigid framing conditions.

Universal Header Hanger (H-Series)