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Uni-Clip™ End Clip (UCEC)

14 Gauge rigid connection clip

ClarkDietrich’s Uni-Clip™ framing clip is a universal framing clip used to attach and support numerous rigid framing conditions.

Application(s): Base Connection, Bypass Connection, Joist / Truss Connection

The Uni-Clip™ framing clip has stiffened corners that provide superior design values and are installed easily with screws or powder-actuated fasteners. This clip is ideal for most rigid connections, including shear, tension and two-axis loading.

  • Designed to transfer large horizontal and vertical loads.
  • Universal multi-application connector.
  • Stiffened corners result in superior design values.
  • Embossed fastening patterns to ensure accurate placement of fasteners.



Clips are attached to cold-formed steel framing members using #10 minimum self-drilling screws driven through the clip holes into the steel framing.  Follow the required fastener placement patterns to achieve the allowable load. Connections to the primary building frame can be made with powder-actuated fasteners, screws or welds per design requirement. Follow the required anchor placement pattern to achieve the allowable load.

Code Approvals & Performance Standards

  • ASTM A653 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
  • ASTM A1003 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Carbon, Metallic- and Nonmetallic-Coated for Cold-Formed Framing Members
  • SDS For ASTM A1003 Steel Framing Products For Interior Framing, Exterior Framing and Clips/Accessories

CAD Details

Note: to view all of ClarkDietrich's CAD details, visit the CAD Details Library.

Kicker Connection to Bottom of Beam 2
Kicker Connection to Bottom of Beam 2
Kicker Connection to Bottom of Beam 2
Kicker Connection to Bottom of Slab 2
Kicker Connection to Bottom of Slab 2
Kicker Connection to Bottom of Slab 2
Rafter Connection with UniClip
Rafter Connection with UniClip
Rafter Connection with UniClip
Stud Connection Rigid UNI-CLIP
Stud Connection Rigid UNI-CLIP
Stud Connection Rigid UNI-CLIP
Stud Connection Rigid UNI-CLIP and Support Stud
Stud Connection Rigid UNI-CLIP and Support Stud
Stud Connection Rigid UNI-CLIP and Support Stud
Stud Connection Rigid UNI-CLIP To Slab
Stud Connection Rigid UNI-CLIP To Slab
Stud Connection Rigid UNI-CLIP To Slab
Stud Framed Suspended Ceiling
Stud Framed Suspended Ceiling
Stud Framed Suspended Ceiling

PRoduct submittal SHeets

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Product CodeDescription
UCECUni-Clip™ End Clip

ClarkDietrich SubmittalPro®

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