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Easy Embedment System™

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Innovative Easy Embedment System™ (EES)

Expert stucco installation without a crew of experts?

Our Easy Embedment System™ (EES) delivers exactly that. The most important part of the plastering application is the scratch-coat. It provides the ideal foundation for lath embedment resulting in a durable, long-lasting stucco cladding. EES, with Structa Wire and E-Flange™ Casing Beads and Control Joints ensures that the lath is embedded easily and thoroughly with up to 80% more embedment.
The raised flanges of our E-Flange™ profiles allow for easier tying of accessories to the lath. The BackerBead® equipped profiles feature an integrated, closed-cell backer rod, eliminating steps and maintaining consistency by creating a uniform caulking gap to protect from water intrusion and provide superior quality in gap control, caulking depth, and coverage.

Structa Wire comes in rolls, not sheets, which are rolled out continuously across the wall with no vertical seams and no stapling or wire tying required on the horizontal laps. Simply roll Structa Wire over door and window openings and cut the wires away. Structa Wire lath products ensure that more stucco mix gets to the wall using the same application techniques as standard lath sheets. You achieve the greatest level of embedment possible on the market with EES!

EES makes stucco embedment fast, efficient, and with less skilled labor required, creating a finish that will stand up over time, reducing callbacks and failures due to moisture intrusion from installations with lesser levels embedment.

Technical Bulletins & Resources


E-Corner Bead
Fully Embedded Corner BeadProvides reinforcement like welded-wire or woven wire laths.
1575 EF
E-Flange™ Control Joint
PVC Control Joint with Embeddable Flange designDesigned to relieve stress and assist in controlling cracking in large areas of walls and ceilings. Specially designed connector clips are provided for alignment and base for sealants.
E-Flange™ Casing Bead
Designed to terminate stucco and plaster against doors, windows and dissimilar materialsImproves stucco embedment by more than 80% versus standard "flat flange" products. 
E-Flange™ Bandmaker™ Casing Bead
PVC CASING BEAD WITH EMBEDDABLE FLANGE DESIGNE-Flange Bandmaker™ Casing Bead is designed with a reinforcing rib to assist in keying heavy material fills when "bands" are used in architectural designs. 
E-Flange™ Casing Bead with Drip
E-FLANGE™ CASING BEAD with dripPVC Casing Bead with embeddable flange design designed to terminate stucco and plaster with a moisture trap. ClarkDietrich E-Flange embeddable stucco profiles provide 80% more embedment than standard "flat flange"…
BackerBead® with E-Flange™
Combination PVC Casing Bead with built-in closed cell backer rodFactory-applied, closed-cell backer rod provides a sealed separation gap 1/4" wide where stucco abuts dissimilar materials such as the perimeter of window and door openings per ASTM…
Structalath III & Structalath III 316
Stucco ReinforcingStructa Wire lath is a welded wire lath, engineered to enhance the performance of stucco and is a part of the ClarkDietrich Easy Embedment System.
See Installation tab for more info
Twin Trac 2.5 & Twin Trac 2.5/316
Superior Stucco ReinforcingStructalath Twin Trac is an innovative reinforcing lath that simplifies the attachment of lath to wood and steel studs.
See Installation tab for more info
Mega Lath
heavy duty ReinforcingMega Lath is a self-furring welded wire that provides heavy-duty reinforcing for both stucco and stone installation.