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UltraBead - Fire, Smoke & Sound

Vinyl L-Bead with Compressible Foam

UltraBEAD, when used in conjunction with UltraTRAK slotted deflection track or Deep Leg deflection tracks, provides joint protection up to ¾” for a 1 or 2 HR concrete deck Head of Wall Joint System at 60% compression.

Application(s): Standard Wall

UltraBEAD creates an easy attachment that is attained with staples through the bead flange. Multiple perforations along the 1-1/8" flange enhance strong compound adhesion and the raised shoulder provides for a flush finish. Rigid vinyl is rust proof, dent resistant and easy to field cut without distorting the profile or leaving sharp edges and burrs.  UltraBEAD is also available with Rip Bead® to create a crisp finished edge Composite Firestop/Framing for use in fire-resistant joint systems in or between fire-resistance-rated walls and floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies. Many assemblies can also be used in smoke barriers with tested air leakage (L ratings) well below the code defined maximum of 5 cfm per linear foot.

When used in conjunction with UltraTRAK or deep leg deflection track, the UltraBEAD is UL 2079-Fifth Edition compliant. Provides joint protection up to ¾” with various compression extension ratios per the listing.

U.S. Patent Number 11,725,401 and 11,486,150 on UltraBEAD.

Used with:

Sound Testing

Fire Rated Assembly

Installation Instructions:

  • Splices in the UltraBEAD assembly shall be offset a min of 12" from joints in the Top Track.
  • UltraBEAD is to be installed on both sides of wall.
  • UltraBEAD horizontal flange to be applied over the top face of the gypsum base, ensuring horizontal and vertical flanges are in contact gypsum base.
  • Factory edges have 1/4" of foam overhanging the UltraBEAD, splices are aligned and tightly butted together so foam is compressed, and vinyl L-beads are touching.
  • Field splices are cut square with 1/4 in. foam overhang, aligned, and tightly butted together so foam is compressed, and vinyl L-beads are touching.
  • Cut to length with a fine-toothed hacksaw or chop saw.
  • Make sure to cut ends square (to be butted tightly when spliced)
  • Attach UltraBEAD to the gypsum base with 9/16 in (16mm) type G staples, or equivalent, spaced 12 in. (305 m) o.c. maximum along the flange.
  • Repeat until all joints have been filled with the UltraBEAD.
  • A layer of tape and joint compound may be applied over the UltraBEAD with tape lapping onto the wall only. 

Code Approvals & Performance Standards

  • ASTM C840 Standard Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board
  • ASTM C1047 Standard Specification for Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard and Gypsum Veneer Base
  • UL Designs HW-D-0924 Joint system
  • UL Designs 2079 Fifth Edition Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems
    • (When used in conjunction with UltraTRAK, slotted deflection track or Deep Leg deflection tracks)
    • IBC requires fire-resistant joint systems be tested in accordance w/the requirements of either ASTM E1966 or UL 2079.
  • SDS UltraBEAD Foam For UltraBEAD Foam
  • SDS Vinyl Corp PVC Compounds

CAD Details

Note: to view all of ClarkDietrich's CAD details, visit the CAD Details Library.

UltraBead with Deep Leg Deflection Track
UltraBead with Deep Leg Deflection Track
UltraBead with Deep Leg Deflection Track
UltraBead with UltraTrak Slotted Deflection Track
UltraBead with UltraTrak Slotted Deflection Track
UltraBead with UltraTrak Slotted Deflection Track

Product Submittal Sheets

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Product Code Description
UltraBEAD Vinyl L-Bead with Compressible Foam

UltraBEAD Deflection Track Submittal Packages:


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