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Spazzer® 9200 Spacing and Bridging Bar (SPZD)

Facilitates the rapid erection of interior, nonload-bearing studs

Prenotched bridging and spacing bar.

The Spazzer 9200 Spacing Bar is a prenotched bridging and spacing bar that facilitates the rapid erection of interior, nonload-bearing, nonstructural studs into a rigid, accurately laid out gridwork that has excellent resistance to stud rotation and displacement. Spazzer 9200 bar is a 33mils (20ga) bar that is 50" long and prenotched to hold studs rigidly on 16" or 24" centers. The slots have been pre-engineered to hold studs in place by utilizing “shear” to bridge studs into a rigid gridwork.

Spazzer 9200 system fits in non-structural studs 2-1/2” and wider.

  • Saves up to 40% in combined labor and material costs.
  • Eliminates stud spacing layout.
  • Eliminates clip angles and the labor required to install them.

Alternative Products:



Insert the prenotched, 50" Spazzer bar through the appropriate stud punchouts and rotate the bridging bar to engage or grip the stud. Use the prenotched slots to automatically lay out studs on 16" or 24" centers. Press the Spazzer bar firmly into place. Overlap the last slot with the next piece of Spazzer and continue to repeat the process.

Code Approvals & Performance Standards

  • AISI S220-15 North American Standard for CFS Framing - Nonstructural Members
    • (Compliant to ASTM C645 , but IBC replaced with AISI S220 in IBC 2015)
    • Section A4 Material - Chemical & mechanical requirements (Referencing ASTM A1003/A1003M)
    • Section C Installation - (Referencing ASTM C754)

CAD Details

Note: to view all of ClarkDietrich's CAD details, visit the CAD Details Library.

Deep Leg Deflection Track with Spazzer9200  
Deep Leg Deflection Track with Spazzer9200  
Deep Leg Deflection Track with Spazzer9200  
Spazzer 9200 Bridging Detail
Spazzer 9200 Bridging Detail
Spazzer 9200 Bridging Detail
Spazzer 9200 Bridging Detail 2
Spazzer 9200 Bridging Detail 2
Spazzer 9200 Bridging Detail 2
Spazzer 9200 LAP Detail
Spazzer 9200 LAP Detail
Spazzer 9200 LAP Detail
Spazzer 9200 OFF Module Detail
Spazzer 9200 OFF Module Detail
Spazzer 9200 OFF Module Detail

PRoduct submittal SHeets

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Product CodeDescription
SPZDSpazzer® 9200 Spacing and Bridging Bar

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