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Metal J-Trim (M400 Series)

Used as a finished edge for wallboard at door and window openings or when gypsum panels meet dissimilar surfaces

Metal J-Trims are strong, reveal-type galvanized steel casings that provide maximum protection and neat finished edges to drywall terminations around door and window openings.

Application(s): Drywall

Metal J-Trims also deliver a clean trim line at intersections or where gypsum panels abut dissimilar surfaces such as columns and window mullions. Hemmed-edges allow for quick installation and do not require joint compound for finishing.

  • Requires no joint compound
  • Galvanized for corrosion protection
  • Hemmed edges for quick installation

Material: 0.012 min thickness, G30 galvanized

Code Approvals & Performance Standards


All stored materials shall be kept dry.  Materials shall be stacked off the ground, supported on a level platform, and protected from the weather.

PRoduct submittal SHeets

Click the below Product Code to view Submittal/Tech Datasheet.

Product CodeDescription
M401 and M402Metal J-Trim (M400 Series)

ClarkDietrich SubmittalPro®

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