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Grommets for Steel Wall Stud Framing

Grommets protect and isolate electrical wiring and plumbing from contacting metal.

Grommets snap easily into stud knockouts and are used to protect electrical wiring and plumbing lines from directly contacting metal. Grommets must be used in construction when metal conduit is not required by building code.

  • Snaps quickly into stud knockout
  • Prevents/eliminates pipe rattle
  • Grommets are packaged 100 pieces per bag or in boxes of 500


Install grommets in all stud knockouts where wiring and plumbing lines will be inserted.

3/4" Snap-In Grommet for 1-5/8" and 2-1/2" wall studs

Install the 3/4" Snap-In Grommet by pressing the grommet into the stud knockout. Make sure to engage the grommet lips to secure into place.

1-1/2" 2-Piece Grommet for all wall studs 3-1/2" and wider

Install the standard 1-1/2" 2-Piece Grommet by first opening the grommet. Insert one side of the grommet through the knockout. Snap the grommet together so it engages with the metal sandwiched between the two plastic halves.

Code Approvals & Performance Standards

  • AISI S220-20 North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Nonstructural Members
    • Section C Installation - (Referencing ASTM C754)
  • AISI S240-20 North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing
    • Section C Installation - (Referencing ASTM C1007)

CAD Details

Note: to view all of ClarkDietrich's CAD details, visit the CAD Details Library.

Electrical Plumbing Detail
Electrical Plumbing Detail
Electrical Plumbing Detail


Click the below Product Code to view Submittal/Tech Datasheet.

Product CodeSizeDescriptionPcs./Carton
GROM3/4"3/4" Snap-In Grommet with 1/2" inside diameter
For 1-5/8" and 2-1/2" studs
1-1/2"1-1/2" 2-Piece Grommet with 1" inside diameter
For 3-1/2" and wider studs

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