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Commercial Strapping

Multipurpose pre-punched commercial coil stock used for bracing, bridging or tension strapping

Coil Strapping is made in a variety of widths, each with a unique layout of pre-punched holes for a variety of fastening options to meet different application requirements.

Coil Strapping is made in a variety of widths, each with a unique layout of pre-punched holes for a variety of  fastening options to meet different application requirements.

Product Highlights:

  • Packaged for easy grab and go on jobsite
  • Various LF lengths to aid in quicker installation
  • Pre-punched holes to speed up installation and improve overall installation costs (see EOR for all connections)
  • Tension Load Values Available

Applications include:

  • Horizontal strap lateral bracing for wall studs
  • Strap bridging for bottom of floor joists
  • Tension strapping for shear wall x-bracing


Product Code Thickness Width #10 Fasteners Per Each End of Strap

Allowable Strap Tension

Stud/Joist/Framing Thickness
33mil (20ga) - 50ksi 43mil (18ga) - 50ksi 54mil (16ga) - 50ksi 68mil (14ga) - 50ksi
CS1-250-33 33mil (20ga) 1 in 4 3 3 3 631 lbs
CS1-250-43 43mil (18ga) 1 in 5 4 3 3 822 lbs
CS1.5-200-33 33mil (20ga) 1.5 in 6 4 4 4 1020 lbs
CS1.5-200-43 43mil (18ga) 1.5 in 8 6 4 4 1329 lbs
CS2-150-33 33mil (20ga) 2 in 8 6 6 6 1367 lbs
CS2-150-43 43mil (18ga) 2 in 11 7 6 6 1782 lbs
Product Code Thickness Width #10 Fasteners Per Each End of Strap

Allowable Strap Tension

Stud/Joist/Framing Thickness
33mil (20ga) - 50ksi 43mil (18ga) - 50ksi 54mil (16ga) - 50ksi 68mil (14ga) - 50ksi
CS2.5-150-33 33mil (20ga) 2.5 in 10 7 7 7 1650 lbs
CS2.5-100-43 43mil (18ga) 2.5 in 13 9 7 7 2151 lbs
CS3-100-33 33mil (20ga) 3 in 12 8 8 8 2040 lbs
CS3-100-43 43mil (18ga) 3 in 16 11 8 8 2659 lbs


Strap bridging for bottom of floor joists

Spacing of bridging must be calculated based on the required strength. In general, bridging is installed at a maximum of 8' O.C. spacing pendicular to the joists. For example, an 18' joist span would require two bridging runs at 6' O.C. spacing.

Where the sub-floor or decking does not provide lateral support, strap must also be installed on the top flange of the joist.

Install immediately after joists are erected and before construction loads are applied.
Solid blocking is field cut from track or joist sections.

Horizontal strap lateral bracing for wall studs

Lateral bracing consists of a field-cut stud or track for solid blocking and steel strap bracing on both flanges of the studs. Solid blocking is placed at each end of the wall, adjacent to wall openings and 8' O.C. maximum. The blocking is attached to each adjacent stud via EasyClip™ E- or S- Series™ clips, or when a track is used, the flanges are cut, the web bent and a minimum 4" overlap is used to secure the track block to the studs. Strap bracing, 2" wide and 20-gauge (33 mil) minimum, is fastened to each solid block and stud flange.


Tension strapping for shear wall x-bracing

Straps are either attached directly to the compression studs or are attached via Gusset Plates. Compression studs must be anchored to the foundation, normally with ClarkDietrich Holdowns. For multi-story construction, the uplift loads are extremely high. It is not uncommon to require 20,000 to 40,000 pounds of uplift force at these connections. Since ClarkDietrich Holdowns are not designed to resist this magnitude of force, it is recommended that embedded plates be installed prior to pouring the concrete foundation. A heavy steel assembly is then welded to the embedded plate and to the compression studs.

Caution: Racking loads are first transferred to the roof or floor decking and then to the shearwalls (X-bracing). The X-bracing then relies on a proper foundation to resist uplift and shear forces. In order for the system to function properly, the load path from the roof or floor deck to the shearwalls to the foundation must be complete. This normally requires additional bracing, blocking, track and rim splices, drag struts, uplift anchors and heavy-duty foundations.

Code Approvals & Performance Standards

  • ASTM A653 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
  • ASTM A1003 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Carbon, Metallic- and Nonmetallic-Coated for Cold-Formed Framing Members
  • SDS For ASTM A1003 Steel Framing Products For Interior Framing, Exterior Framing and Clips/Accessories

CAD Details

Note: to view all of ClarkDietrich's CAD details, visit the CAD Details Library.

Block and Strap Bridging 2  
Block and Strap Bridging 2  
Block and Strap Bridging 2  
Block and Strap Bridging  
Block and Strap Bridging  
Block and Strap Bridging  
Deep Leg Deflection Track with Strapping&Blocking  
Deep Leg Deflection Track with Strapping&Blocking  
Deep Leg Deflection Track with Strapping&Blocking  
Deep Leg Deflection Track with Strapping  
Deep Leg Deflection Track with Strapping  
Deep Leg Deflection Track with Strapping  
HDS-Shear Wall Post-1
HDS-Shear Wall Post-1
HDS-Shear Wall Post-2
HDS-Shear Wall Post-2
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 1
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 1
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 1
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 2
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 2
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 2
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 3
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 3
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 3
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 4
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 4
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 4
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 5
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 5
Shear Anchor Detail at Base 5
Shear Wall Elevation 1
Shear Wall Elevation 1
Shear Wall Elevation 1
Shear Wall Elevation 2
Shear Wall Elevation 2
Shear Wall Elevation 2
Sloped Deep Leg Deflection Track & TRAKLOC Connection Detail
Sloped Deep Leg Deflection Track & TRAKLOC Connection Detail
Sloped Deep Leg Deflection Track & TRAKLOC Connection Detail

Product submittal Sheets

Click the below Product Code to view the Submittal/Tech Datasheet

Product CodeDescription
CS1-250-331" x 250' x 33mil Pre-punched Strapping
CS1-250-431" x 250' x 43mil Pre-punched Strapping
CS1.5-200-331-1/2" x 200' x 33mil Pre-punched Strapping
CS1.5-200-431-1/2" x 200' x 43mil Pre-punched Strapping
CS2-150-332" x 150' x 33mil Pre-punched Strapping
CS2-150-432" x 150' x 43mil Pre-punched Strapping
CS2.5-150-332-1/2" x 150' x 33mil Pre-punched Strapping
CS2.5-100-432-1/2" x 100' x 43mil Pre-punched Strapping
CS3-100-333" x 100' x 33mil Pre-punched Strapping
CS3-100-433" x 100' x 43mil Pre-punched Strapping

Submittal sheets for the exact product you're looking for can be created by using ClarkDietrich's SubmittalPro® Product Submittal System.