Effective, low-cost methods of improving sound transmission loss through wood and steel frame partitions.
Made of 18mil (25 gauge) steel, RC-1 Pro is one of the most effective, low-cost methods of improving sound transmission loss through wood and steel frame partitions. It is used as a cross-furring member for resilient attachment of gypsum. Knurled face makes screw attachment of wallboard easier.
Resilient channel should be installed perpendicular to the framing members with the attachment flange of the RC-1 Pro installed along the bottom edge. Channel is pre-punched for screw attachments to wood or steel framing members. Nails are not recommended for attaching RC-1 Pro resilient channel to framing members.
Product Data & Ordering Information
Yield Strength | Coating* | Dimensions | Length |
33ksi min. | G40EQ | 2" x 1/2" deep with 1-1/4" screw flange | 12' |
*(G40 or G60 available)
Material Thickness: 18mil, 0.0188" Design Thickness, 0.0179" Min. Thickness
Spacing and configuration of pre-punched openings may vary per geographical region.
Code Approvals & Performance Standards
- AISI S220-20 North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Nonstructural Members
- (Compliant to ASTM C645, but IBC replaced with AISI S220 in IBC 2015)
- ASTM A1003 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Carbon, Metallic- and Nonmetallic-Coated for Cold-Formed Framing Members
- ASTM C754 Standard Specification for Installation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw-Attached Gypsum Panel Products
- UL File Number R19331 Full list of ProSTUD, Spazzer, Resilient Channel, Sound Clip and Barrier Mesh UL design assemblies
- SDS For ASTM A1003 Steel Framing Products For Interior Framing, Exterior Framing and Clips/Accessories
Product Submittal Sheets
Click the below Product Code to view Submittal/Tech Datasheet.
Product Code | Description |
RCUR | RC-1 PRO™ Resilient Channel (RCUR) |
ClarkDietrich SubmittalPro®
Submittal sheets for the exact product you're looking for can be created by using ClarkDietrich's SubmittalPro® Product Submittal System.
- Contact ClarkDietrich Technical Services at 888-437-3244 for any questions about creating product submittals or using SubmittalPro.