ReSTORES structural integrity of steel framing with field modified openings
The MEP Gusset Plate is designed to provide strength and stiffness to framing members that are modified or field cut at the job site with oversized cutouts on the web of the member.
The MEP Gusset Plate is designed to provide strength and stiffness to framing members that are modified or field cut at the job site with oversized cutouts on the web of the member. The two-piece design allows the plate to be attached after MEP components have been installed. Restores structural integrity of steel framing with field modified openings.
- For use with 15mil to 97 mil framing members
- Not for use when flange is cut out.
Product Data & Ordering Information
Product Dimensions
MEP3 = 3-1/2" x 8" assembled
MEP6 = 5-3/4" x 8" assembled
Material Specifications
Thickness: 16ga (54 mil), 0.0566" Design thickness, 0.0538" Min. thickness
Material: Structural Grade 50 Type H (ST50H), 50ksi
Coating: G90 (Z275) hot-dipped galvanized coating
Product code | Packaging |
MEP3 | 25 Sets (A & B) |
MEP6 | 25 Sets (A & B) |
- Clip Express Sales at 866-638-1908 or clipexpress@clarkdietrich.com
- Technical Support at 888-437-3244 or support@clarkdietrich.com

Installing the ClarkDietrich MEP Gusset Plate in accordance with the following guidelines will return the stud member to its original flexural strength, shear strength, and stiffness.
- The dimensions of the field cut hole shall be no greater than 3” wide by 3” tall for 6” framing members and 2” wide by 3” tall for 3-5/8” members.
- Field cut holes shall be made with a plasma cutter or saw. Torch-cut holes are not permitted.
- The steel around the hole shall not be damaged or distorted.
- A total of (12) #10-16 screws shall be used at each hole repair location.
- This product cannot be used when framing member’s flange is notched.
- Minimum stud web hole spacing shall be maintained for compliance with AISI S100, S220 & S240 standards.
- The axial capacity and web crippling capacity of the stud member shall be considered separately. It is the responsibility of the design professional to verify that the capacity meets the requirements of the intended application.

Code Approvals & Performance Standards
- AISI S100-16 (2020) w/S2-20 North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members
- AISI S220-20 North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Nonstructural Members
- Section C Installation - (C2.1 for web holes)
- AISI S240-20 North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing
- (Compliant to ASTM C955, but IBC replaced with AISI S200 in IBC 2015, AISI S240 in IBC 2018)
- Section A3 Material - Chemical & mechanical requirements (Referencing ASTM A1003/A1003M)
- Section A4 Corrosion Protection (Referencing ASTM A653/A653M)
- Section C Installation - (C2.1 for web holes)
- SDS For ASTM A1003 Steel Framing Products For Interior Framing, Exterior Framing and Clips/Accessories
CAD Details
Note: to view all of ClarkDietrich's CAD details, visit the CAD Details Library.
Click the below Product Code to view Submittal/Tech Datasheet.
Product code | Description |
MEP3 | MEP Gusset Plate for 3-5/8" studs |
MEP6 | MEP Gusset Plate for 6" studs |
ClarkDietrich SubmittalPro®
Submittal sheets for the exact product you're looking for can be created by using ClarkDietrich's SubmittalPro® Product Submittal System.
- Clip Express Sales at 866-638-1908 or clipexpress@clarkdietrich.com
- Technical Support at 888-437-3244 or support@clarkdietrich.com