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BlazeFrame® Perimeter L-Bead

VINYL L-Bead with Compressible Foam

Creates an easy attachment that is attained with staples through the bead flange.

Application(s): Standard Wall, Chase Wall, Shaftwall

BlazeFrame® Perimeter L-Bead creates an easy attachment that is attained with staples through the bead flange. Multiple perforations along the 1-1/8" flange enhance strong compound adhesion and the raised shoulder provides for a flush finish. Rigid vinyl is rust proof, dent resistant and easy to field cut without distorting profile or leaving sharp edges and burrs.

Composite Firestop/Framing for use in fire-resistant joint systems in or between fire-resistance-rated walls and floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies. Many assemblies can also be used in smoke barriers with tested air leakage (L ratings) well below the code defined maximum of 5 cfm per linear foot.

When used in conjunction with BlazeFrame Fire Stop Deflection Track Systems, BlazeFrame Perimeter L-Bead is UL 2079-fifth edition compliant. Provides joint protection for up to 1" with UL 2079 Class II or III Movement Capabilities at 80% compression.

U.S. Patent Number 11,725,401 and 11,486,150 on Perimeter L-Bead.

Sound Testing

Fire Rated Assembly


  • Cut to length with a fine-toothed hacksaw or chop saw
  • Make sure to cut ends square
  • Compress the foam and slide the horizontal leg over the top edge of the gypsum board
  • Ensure the horizontal flange and vertical flange are in contact with the gypsum board.
  • Attach perforated vertical flange to the gypsum base with Bostich 9/16" type G staples, or equivalent, spaced 12" on center maximum
  • Repeat steps #1 and #2 and then butt together and align to provide a neat tight fit, with no gaps between the vinyl or foam.
  • Repeat until all joints have been filled with the BlazeFrame Perimeter L-Bead
  • Apply joint compound to perforated leg (optional)
  • May be painted with high grade latex or acrylic paint (optional)

Code Approvals & Performance Standards

  • ASTM C840 Standard Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board
  • ASTM C1047 Standard Specification for Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard and Gypsum Veneer Base
  • ASTM D1056 Standard Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials - Sponge or Expanded Rubber
  • UL Designs 2079 Fifth Edition Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems
    • (When used in conjunction with BlazeFrame Firestop Deflection Track systems)
    • IBC requires fire-resistant joint systems be tested in accordance w/the requirements of either ASTM E1966 or UL 2079.
  • SDS Armacell Ensolite Foam Bead for Perimeter L-Bead
  • SDS Vinyl Corp PVC Compounds

CAD Details

Note: to view all of ClarkDietrich's CAD details, visit the CAD Details Library.

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DSL Connection to Concrete Slab - 1
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SL Connection to Concrete Slab - 3

PRoduct submittal SHeets

Click the below Product Code to view Submittal/Tech Datasheet.

PN# Description
62562 BlazeFrame® Perimeter L-Bead
62564 BlazeFrame® Perimeter L-Bead with Rip Bead®

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