This information can typically be found in the General Notes Section of the Project's Structural Drawings
Building Code
- Select - IBC 2021 IBC 2018 IBC 2015 ASCE716 ASCE710
Wind Load (enter "unknown" and Tech Support will contact you for more info)
Exposure Category - Reflects the characteristics of ground surface irregularities at a site which the building or structure is to be constructed. The rougher the surface, the lower the multiplier that converts wind speed to pressure. This information is given on the “general notes” page of the structural drawings.
Risk Category - A categorization of buildings and other structures for determination of flood, wind, snow, ice, and earthquake loads based on the risk associated with unacceptable performance. This information is given on the “general notes” page of the structural drawings.
Deflection Guide: L/600~Brick L/360~Stucco L/240~E.I.F.S.